Member Benefits
Free Services
One-on-one kid’s consultations to various stages of family situations related to disabilities Initial assessment to the kids (30 minutes) Assisting in filing out government funding application and forms as listed (if it requires extra time, additional fees may apply) ACCESS OAP Account Set Up Disability Tax Credit (T2201) Assistance for Children with Severe Disability (ACSD) Passport Funding ACCESS 2 Childcare Subsidy Special Needs Form Sophia Fund TTC Support Card Autism Ontario Fund Welcome Policy Disability Parking Permit Advice taxation and financial planning Attending meetings at schools and other agencies Advocacy on behalf of families Professional suggestions for family difficulties Government documents review, explanation, and translation
Free Activities
Parents support group, this is a unique parent support group for a mandarin speaking families. It provides an opportunity for parents to support each other by listening and sharing their own stories and experiences. We also provide stress management workshops. Parents workshops, which include information about government funding, RDSP, Henson Trust, School Liaison, etc. Fun activities for our kids and parents, such as Summer BBQ, Toronto Zoo trip, Strawberry picking, movie night, Christmas party, and many more!
Free Gifts
Small gift upon member registration, with a membership card. Christmas party gift for kids with special needs!
要加入,请致电电话:(647) 699-8416 或发电子邮件至 info@giftedpeopleser.org
Gifted People Services
Address: 50 Acadia Ave, Markham, ON L3R 0B3 or
4465 Sheppard Ave E #208, Scarborough, ON M1S 1V2
Tel: (647) 699-8416,
Email: info@giftedpeopleser.org
Website: www.giftedpeopleser.org